
Opening the door to infinite potential


I believe meditation is the key to a fulfilling life. It allows us to open ourselves to what is not currently known. It is an open door to possibilities and an inner listening that will allow us to create our life from the inside out.  

Not all meditation is created equal. Why we meditate relates to how we meditate. Just like asana  meditation can have many different results depending on how we approach it.

It can make us rigid, unhappy and be another source of feeling inadequate if we do it to gain  a particular result. Instead, if you take it as a journey of self discovery, then we are often pleasantly surprised with what we find. We drop our perceived control and take up curiosity or an open space to discover.

In my practice, I have come to see that most of our life is about negotiating levels of anxiety.

This stems from the notion that we can control or not control the events in our life. Whether we are mildly aware or on high alert, there is a perpetual feeling of some level of threat that governs our life. When we meditate, we can slow things down enough to see how we unconsciously choose to cope and then make better choices. Whether we are coping with our relationships, our career or the inevitability of our death, we tend to approach it with resistance. Meditation teaches us acceptance and how to replace anxiety with love. It shows us that we cannot control the events around us, but we can develop a meaningful relationship to the steadiness within. It helps us to stop looking outward for likes, drugs, food, sex, shopping, exercise -you name it, and quiets us so we can find the answers in our heart.

With our meditation practice, we foster:

  • Steadfastness as a tool for building character by creating a consistent practice 

  • Acceptance so that we can learn the road to true compassion by looking within for our answers

  • Connection we will no longer feel alone because we will realize we are truly all connected 

  • Deep peace as we come to see that everything is a vibration we find the harmony of all things including ourselves.

  • And by doing this we will experience the truest dimension of LOVE

I've included the meditation here as a way to introduce meditation into your life. This meditation is from our Silver Linings Meditations, started at the beginning of the pandemic as a way to help us all cope with what was happening. We've built a wonderful meditation community and I'd love for you to join us.  When you are ready, please join us on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings at 8:00 am for our 25-minute Silver Lining Meditations on Zoom and Saturday for our online Satsang (community gathering), also via Zoom.

In the meantime, here are some of my favorite guided meditations available for you to experience for free.


Establish and develop your meditation practice by joining my community of meditators for weekly live meditations.

Live meditation with Paula Tursi:

Tuesday and Wednesday 8-8.30 am (EST)

Including access to over 33 hours of recorded guided meditations

Monthly Unshakable Self Meditation Membership $27